


Students who are required to submit a master’s paper or thesis to the 研究生院 must complete the following steps to earn their degree. A student must satisfy the requirements for the degree that are in effect at the time the degree is awarded. 项目可能有额外的要求或政策. 这些信息应该在课程手册或网站上提供给学生.

具体日期请参考学术和财务日历. 学生有责任遵守规定的截止日期,在期望的学期毕业. 未能满足所有截止日期将导致毕业推迟到较晚的学期.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that forms and other documents are filed and received by posted deadlines and policy requirements. 如果您有任何疑问或需要帮助,请联系您的学术支持专家.


学习计划列出了学生获得硕士学位必须完成的具体课程 as well as all members of the supervisory committee. 在第二学期学习结束前,向研究生院提交学习计划.


  • 提交你的 学习计划 不迟于你第二学期的课程结束.
  • 在提交学习计划时处理转学分. Any transcripts for transfer credit must be filed with the 研究生院 before the 学习计划. 转换学分必须符合标准概述在 转让信用政策.
  • 您可以在学习计划中添加或删除课程 更改学习计划表格.


  • 如果你的课程作业与公布的课程不同,请提交a 更改学习计划表格 列出你要添加的课程,以及这些课程适用于哪些要求.g.、核心课程.
  • 要转换学分,请提交一份 更改学习计划表格 将学分添加到您的成绩单和学位进度中. Transfer transcripts must be on file in the 研究生院 before submitting the 申请更改学习计划表格.
  • 要获得监事会的批准,请提交 要求变更监察委员会的形式 至少在期末考试前一个学期填写.

Students whose research will require approval by the Institutional Review Board (for research with human subjects; IRB), the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (for research with animals; IACUC), 生物安全委员会(重组DNA研究), 辐射安全委员会, 或有毒物质委员会, 在开始研究之前,是否需要得到这些委员会的批准. 如果没有申请和批准,学生将不会获得学位. 有关这些委员会的更多信息,请浏览网站 研究诚信与合规.





Students who are not required to submit a master’s paper or thesis to the 研究生院 must complete items to earn their degree. A student must satisfy the requirements for the degree that are in effect at the time the degree is awarded. 项目可能有额外的要求或政策. 这些信息应该在课程手册或网站上提供给学生.

有关学期具体日期,请参阅学术和财务日历. Students are responsible to adhere to the published deadlines as posted by 注册及记录. Failure to meet all deadlines in the semester you plan to graduate will result in postponing graduation to a later term.

It is the student’s responsibility to file forms and other documents and ensure they are received by posted deadlines and policy requirements. 如果您有任何疑问或需要帮助,请联系您的学术支持专家.


学习计划列出了学生获得硕士学位必须完成的具体课程. 在第二学期学习结束前,向研究生院提交学习计划.


  • 不迟于第二学期课程结束时提交学习计划.
  • 在提交学习计划时处理转学分. Any transcripts for transfer credit must be filed with the 研究生院 before the 学习计划. 转换学分必须符合标准概述在 转让信用政策.
  • 您可以在学习计划中添加或删除课程 申请更改学习计划表格.


  • 如果你的课程作业与公布的课程不同,请提交a 更改学习计划表格 列出你要添加的课程,以及这些课程适用于哪些要求.g.、核心课程、选修课程等.
  • 要转换学分,请提交一份 更改学习计划表格 将学分添加到您的成绩单和学位进度中. Official transfer transcripts must be on file in the 研究生院 before submitting the 申请更改学习计划表格.
  • 如果你的项目要求你选择一个监督委员会,提交申请表格或 更改监察委员会形式 至少在期末考试前一个学期.

毕业意向调查 informs the 研究生院 that you plan to complete your degree requirements at the end of the semester in which you submit it. 的 names of students who submit the survey by the submission deadline are listed in the commencement program.

您的预期毕业学期将更新为您在调查问卷中注明的学期. 你 will not be term activated for future registration unless you are continuing in a different program or degree option. 如果你没有在预期期限内毕业, 联系你的学术支持专家来启动学期.

注册及记录 sends commencement ceremony information to your NDSU/NDUS email address only. 研究生院不负责发布典礼信息, 登记参加典礼的学生, 或者给参加婚礼的客人开门票. 直接提问 注册及记录 办公室.

学位发布是基于提交的 毕业申请 而不是毕业意向调查. 注意: 如果你只完成调查而不完成学位申请(和费用),你的学位将不会发布.


提交 毕业申请 在你最后一个学期的最后一天或之前,还有25美元的处理费. 你, 你的顾问, and your 研究生 Program Coordinator are required to sign the form indicating you will have completed all degree requirements by the last day of the current semester.

费用将在校园连接中向您计费. 在支付这笔费用之前,您的成绩单和文凭将不会发布.

包容 in the commencement ceremony is based on the submission of an 毕业意向调查 (see above). 注意: 如果你完成了学位申请而不是调查, you will not be listed in the commencement program or receive information regarding ceremony participation.


Students who are required to submit a doctoral dissertation to the 研究生院 must complete the following steps to earn their degree. A student must satisfy the requirements for the degree that are in effect at the time the degree is awarded. 项目可能有额外的要求或政策. 这些信息应该在课程手册或网站上提供给学生.

具体日期请参考研究生院的截止日期. 学生有责任遵守规定的截止日期,在期望的学期毕业. 未能满足所有截止日期将导致毕业推迟到较晚的学期.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that forms and other documents are filed and received by posted deadlines and policy requirements. 如果您有任何疑问或需要帮助,请联系您的学术支持专家.


的 学习计划 lists the specific courses the student must complete to earn the doctoral degree as well as all members of the supervisory committee. 在你的监督委员会成立后,尽快向研究生院提交学习计划. 的 学习计划 must be submitted and approved at least one month before the Preliminary/Comprehensive oral examination. 护理实践博士课程不需要学习计划.


  • 提交 学习计划 form to the 研究生院 as soon as your supervisory committee is formed.
  • 转移学分处理时, 学习计划 提交. Any transcripts for transfer credit must be filed with the 研究生院 prior to the 学习计划. 要查看学分是否符合转换条件,请点击适用链接: 转让信用政策.
  • 您可以在学习计划中添加或删除课程 更改学习计划表格.


  • 如果你的课程作业与公布的课程不同,请提交a 更改学习计划表格 列出你要添加的课程,以及这些课程适用于哪些要求.g.、核心课程.
  • 要转换学分,请提交一份 更改学习计划表格 将学分添加到您的成绩单和学位进度中. Transfer transcripts must be on file in the 研究生院 before submitting the 更改学习计划表格.
  • 要获得监事会的批准,请提交 要求填写或更改监察委员会表格 至少在期末考试前一个学期.

Students whose research will require approval by the Institutional Review Board (for research with human subjects; IRB), the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (for research with animals; IACUC), 生物安全委员会(重组DNA研究), 辐射安全委员会, 或有毒物质委员会, 在开始研究之前,是否需要得到这些委员会的批准. 如果没有申请这样的批准,学生将不会获得学位. 有关这些委员会的更多信息,请浏览网站 研究诚信与合规.


A comprehensive/preliminary examination will be required of each student after the greater portion of courses has been completed. 这次考试包括笔试和口试. A 预约考试通知 只需要提交口试部分的试卷. 一旦计划, submit the 预约考试通知 a minimum of seven calendar days before the requested exam date. 在考试日期前少于七个日历天内填写的表格将不予处理. A new examination date must be scheduled and a new notification form file prior to the seven calendar day deadline.

A preliminary graduation audit is completed by your Academic Support Specialist once the notification form is received. 的 approved Notification of Schedule Examination form and preliminary graduation audit will be emailed to the student and their full supervisory committee. 一旦计划, submit the 预约考试通知 a minimum of seven calendar days before the requested exam date. 一个成功的提交需要所有的签名, 不仅研究生已经提交了表格. 在考试日期前少于七个日历天内填写的表格将不予处理. A new examination date must be scheduled and a new notification form filed by the seven calendar day deadline.


提交 初审报告 口试日期后14天内.

  • Report forms submitted more than 14 days after the defense will not be processed and the examination will be voided and must be repeated.
  • Report forms received without an approved 预约考试通知书表格 on file will not be processed and the examination will be voided and must be repeated.

通过口头综合/初试后, 该生将被正式授予博士学位候选人资格. At least one academic semester must elapse between the comprehensive/preliminary examination and the final examination.





3月15日 毕业意向调查
4月10日 口头答辩截止日期
4月12日 答辩后提交格式审查


毕业申请 及费用(证书及C计划学生)

3月15日 毕业意向调查
7月3日 口头答辩截止日期
7月5日 答辩后提交格式审查


毕业申请 及费用(证书及C计划学生)

10月16日 毕业意向调查
11月20日 口头答辩截止日期
11月22日 答辩后提交格式审查


毕业申请 及费用(证书及C计划学生)



的 deadline for the initial submission of disquisitions to the 研究生院 is approximately one month prior to each semester's commencement. 一个学期就能拿到学位, 你的审查过程必须完成,并提交最终修订 到11:59.m. 在学期的最后一天.