Learning Assistant Program

Applying to become a Learning Assistant

具体要求和申请过程可能因部门/项目而异, but common steps to become an LA include:

  • Meeting academic eligibility criteria (such as a minimum GPA).
  • 在指定的申请期限内申请洛杉矶课程 Learning Assistant Alliance
  • Participating in interviews or training sessions, if required.
  • Being selected by instructors or program coordinators.


学习助理(LA)是指与教师一起工作的本科生,他们在不同的课程中支持同龄人的学习经验,并且已经成功地完成了他们所服务的课程. LAs assist with classroom activities, facilitate discussions, provide one-on-one or small group support, and offer guidance to fellow students.

LAs have a range of responsibilities, including:

  • Assisting instructors during lectures or lab sessions.
  • 举办学生辅导时间,为学生提供一对一或小组支持.
  • Leading study groups or review sessions.
  • 在老师的指导下对学生的作业提供反馈.
  • Offering insights and helping to improve course materials.
  • Encouraging student engagement and participation.


Course Support

教师可以通过多种方式整合辅助教师,以增强学生和辅助教师的教育体验, including:

  • 在讲座或实验期间协助:助教可以通过在讲座或实验期间协助后勤工作来帮助管理大班规模. They can distribute materials, set up equipment, and ensure a smooth flow of the class session, allowing instructors to focus on teaching.
  • 主导讨论部分:课堂教师可以促进讨论部分或分组讨论,学生可以更深入地参与课程材料. 他们可以鼓励参与,回答问题,并提供额外的解释或例子.
  • 主持学生帮助时间:学生协会可以主持他们自己的学生帮助时间,为学生提供一对一或小组支持. 这种个性化的关注对那些对接近老师犹豫不决的学生尤其有益.
  • 组织复习课程:学习助理可以在考试或主要作业前组织和领导复习课程. 这些课程可以帮助巩固关键概念,提高学生的表现.
  • 提供反馈:助教可以在导师的指导下对学生的作业提供反馈. 这不仅减轻了教师的工作量,也为学生提供了及时的反馈.
  • 创建学习材料:助理教师可以与教师合作开发辅助学习材料,如实践问题, study guides, or online resources tailored to the course content.
  • 指导和同伴支持:学生助理可以作为他们同学的导师. They can share their experiences, offer academic guidance, and provide tips for success in the course.

Benefits for Students


  • 增加可及性:辅助课程为学生寻求帮助和澄清提供了额外的机会, 使课程内容更容易为更广泛的学习者所接受.
  • 增强参与:学习课程可以通过促进讨论创造一个更具互动性和参与性的学习环境, group activities, and peer-to-peer learning.
  • Individualized Support: LAs can offer personalized support to students, 满足他们独特的学习需求,帮助他们克服挑战.
  • 提高学习效果:研究表明,使用LAs的课程通常有更高的通过率,学生在作业和考试中的表现也有所提高.
  • Skill Development: LAs gain valuable teaching and leadership skills, which can be applied to their own academic and professional development.
  • 建立信心:辅导员可以通过提供鼓励和建设性的反馈来增强学生的信心, helping them succeed in challenging courses.
  • 多样化的视角:LAs为学习环境带来了多样化的视角和经验, 哪一个可以加强讨论,促进对课程材料更丰富的理解.
  • Reduced Instructor Workload: By sharing responsibilities with LAs, instructors can focus more on designing effective curriculum, conducting research, and providing mentorship to their LAs.

助理教师在支持教师提供高质量教育方面发挥着至关重要的作用. 他们的贡献改善了学生的学习成果,并为助理教师提供了宝贵的技能发展. 与LAs合作可以将教育体验转变为更具活力的体验, engaging, and accessible one for all involved.

What are the benefits of being a Learning Assistant?

Becoming an LA offers several benefits, including:

  • Gaining teaching and leadership experience.
  • Strengthening your understanding of course material.
  • Developing communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Building strong relationships with professors and peers.
  • Earning a competitive wage.
  • Enhancing your resume and future career prospects.


Do LAs receive compensation or academic credit?

是的,在为期16周的学期中,助理教师每周大约工作8小时,每小时工资为17美元. In addition, 第一次担任LA的学生需要参加1学分的研讨会(STEM 303:学习的科学).

How can I balance my LA responsibilities with my coursework?

平衡在洛杉矶的职责和课业是很有挑战性的,但是通过良好的时间管理和沟通是可以管理的. 助理教师与教师密切合作,安排他们的任务,并确保他们不与课程或其他职责冲突.

Is prior teaching experience required to become an LA?

No, prior teaching experience is not required to become an LA. However, 对课程材料的深刻理解和有效的沟通技巧是必不可少的.

Can international students participate in the LA program?

可以,但资格取决于签证状态和其他大学特定要求. 与洛杉矶项目协调员确认资格是至关重要的.

How can I make the most of my LA experience?

To make the most of your LA experience, consider the following tips:

  • Attend training sessions and workshops offered by the program.
  • Communicate regularly with the course instructor.
  • Be proactive in helping your fellow students succeed.
  • Seek feedback from instructors and peers to improve your skills.
  • 反思你的经历,并考虑它们如何与你未来的目标相一致.

Faculty and students may contact Dr. Warren christensen了解更多乐虎电子学习助理项目的信息,电话:(701)231-6744.