Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • Geographer
  • Grant Writer
  • Human Resources
  • Lawyer
  • Law Enforcement
  • Librarian
  • Museum Curator
  • Politician
  • Social Research Analyst
  • Teacher

For individuals who

Want to gain a deeper understanding of global perspectives. 

Looking for


To become

  • Geographer
  • Librarian
  • Museum Curator
  • Social Research Analyst
  • Teacher

对历史的正式研究可以追溯到古希腊,但这门学科从未像现在这样相关. 要了解现代世界,就必须清楚地了解过去发生的事情, especially in today's fractured and turbulent era. Studying history provides students with the critical thinking, analytical, and research skills to evaluate sources of information, engage in civil debate, make persuasive arguments, 作为他们国家和世界的有生产力的公民做出贡献. 历史学本科学位为学生在政府部门的职业生涯做准备, the law, public service, teaching, and business, 以及为研究生学习提供任何领域的基础.

The Program

Students can earn a BA, BS, or Minor in History at NDSU. There are also opportunities to major in Public History, History Education, and Social Science Education.

除了大学和学院的通识教育要求外,历史专业的学生还要修39个学分的历史课程. 9个学分用于100或200级的基础课程, 哪些向学生介绍各种历史子领域的基本内容, 以及分析第一手资料和第二手资料的技能, asking informed questions about the past, 与同学进行有见地的讨论和辩论. Students then take 18 credits of 300- or 400-level courses, distributed among North American History, European History, and Widening Horizons categories. 这些课程让学生接触到这些领域的前沿历史学术, while building writing, research, and discussion skills.

In their sophomore or junior year, students take Historical Research and Writing, which trains them to write persuasive, evidence-based, and clear arguments about the past. As a capstone experience, 历史专业的学生在大四的时候会在一个长达一个学期的写作研讨会上运用这些技巧, 他们就自己选择的主题发表原创研究论文. 剩下的6个学分是选修课,允许学生在历史课程中遵循自己的智力兴趣. A listing of regularly offered courses can be found here.

A BA in History requires two years of study in a foreign language, and is recommended for those wishing to pursue graduate study. A BS in History requires completion of an approved minor.

History Minors 在100级或200级学习9个历史学分,在300级或400级学习9个历史学分.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the History major, students will be able to:


2) Analyze multiple viewpoints and perspectives about the past;


4) Ask questions about the past, mindful of historical contexts; and



新大历史系由国际公认的研究人员和教师组成, 他们中的一些人在研究和教学方面获得了国家和大学的奖项. 优势领域包括从殖民时期到20世纪的北美历史, the Great Plains, Public History, Women's History, 20th-Century Southeast Asia, Medieval and Early Modern Europe, the Cold War in Eastern Europe, Colonial Latin America, and the History of Religion. 每位教师在其专业领域至少出版过一本学术著作, 并定期在专业会议上发表文章和发表研究论文. 该部门还定期举办地区和国家历史会议,并参加座谈会和面向公众的活动. Find more on faculty teaching, research, and outreach activities here.

Study Abroad

历史系定期领导出国学习课程,致力于在国际水平上扩大学生的视野. 最近和即将到来的课程和目的地包括维也纳的哈布斯堡帝国, European Religious Traditions in Rome, World War II in London and Paris, Japanese History and Culture in Japan, and the Early Modern Spanish Empire in Spain.

Cultural Diversity

该部门坚定地致力于帮助学生了解人类经验的多样性. 历史课帮助学生理解种族差异, gender, ethnicity, 社会和经济阶层影响着人们的生活,影响着现代世界. 系里的教职员工也积极致力于促进对多样性的理解.

Public History

1982年,NDSU在上中西部地区推出了第一个公共历史课程. 公共历史是一个充满活力的研究领域,培养学生在档案中工作, museums, historical societies and sites, historic preservation, historical editing, digital history and documentary film-making, 以及国家公园管理局等联邦政府部门. 公共历史是一门专业,可以很容易地与历史专业或辅修专业相结合. More information can be found here.

Institute for Regional Studies

The North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies has close connections with the History program. 该研究所收集、组织和保存有关本地区历史遗产的材料.

Humanities North Dakota

History faculty are active in programs sponsored and funded by Humanities North Dakota. In recent years, faculty have conducted grant-supported research, written books and articles, 并就1977年北达科他州妇女参加全国妇女会议的情况发表了公开演讲, genocide in Bosnia, suicide and divorce in the Civil War South, the Dakota War of 1862, and French Colonial policies in Indochina.

Phi Alpha Theta

The NDSU History faculty sponsor a local chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the History Honors Society, 新大学生定期在该学会的地区和国家会议上发表研究论文. 警务处每年四月举行入会典礼,并于全年举办多项社交活动. 历史课程至少12学分,历史成绩平均绩点不低于3分.1 or above are eligible to apply for membership.

Career Opportunities

History is a versatile degree, and students regularly go on to careers in government, education, journalism, editing and publishing, public service, the law, and business. 通过历史研究培养的技能——有说服力的论证, critical thinking, analysis of information sources, and research, to name a few - are well-suited to any number of careers, 《乐虎电子》500强企业的历史专业掌舵人数量就是明证, serving in government agencies, and making contributions in the fields of journalism, entertainment, law, and politics. Indeed, more US presidents -- including George W. 布什和乔·拜登——比其他任何本科专业都要专业.

美国历史学会(American Historical Association)为历史专业的学生编制了更详细的职业道路信息, including profiles of recent graduates, here.