
General agriculture provides a broad-based program in agriculture for students who wish to have a diversified program of study that emphasizes several agricultural disciplines. 除了, general agriculture provides for an exploratory program in agriculture for students undecided about which of the 19 majors available in the 农业、食品系统和自然资源学院 is best for their individual plans. General agriculture also provides the opportunity for students to pursue an agricultural major and to complete the requirements to be able to teach high school agriculture.

Students receive broad exposure to four or more disciplines and have a large number of unrestricted electives that may be utilized to prepare for specific careers. 课程的灵活性是许多学生感兴趣的一点. Several students transferring from two-year institutions have found that they could complete the requirements for a bachelor’s degree in general agriculture more quickly than other majors. 然而, transfer students are still encouraged to consider majors in the specific disciplines if that is their career objective.


除了一套广泛的通识教育课程, 学生完成四个农业学科的课程. This is somewhat similar to completing partial minors in four of the academic programs in the 农业、食品系统和自然资源学院. 学生必须修满其中一门学科的15学分, 一门学科12学分, 另外两门学科9个学分. 顶点课程必须在其中一个学科中完成. 此外,学生们还选修了几门农业方面的选修课. Some students choose this option at the beginning of their university career while waiting to decide to have a major in one of the disciplinary areas.


NDSU offers the opportunity for a student to prepare for a career as an agriculture teacher in the public school system, 除了广泛的农业行业的职业生涯. The degree in agricultural education may be completed in the 大学 of Human Development and Education. Students who wish to pursue agricultural education also have the option to have a major in general agriculture and choose agricultural education as a second major. The general agriculture degree program is sufficiently flexible that both majors may be completed without an increase in the total number of credits required for completion.
除了, students pursuing this approach will be eligible for 奖学金 and all activities in the 农业、食品系统和自然资源学院.


General agriculture does not have its own faculty since the faculty in the 农业、食品系统和自然资源学院 are housed in academic departments. General agriculture relies on departments to teach basic and advanced courses within their disciplines. A coordinating committee with faculty representing several areas of agricultural sciences administers the general agriculture program. 学生的指导老师是在各个学科中挑选的. These faculty members work with students in developing an appropriate plan of study and assist students in exploring various career opportunities.


贷款, 奖学金, 奖助金, 和勤工俭学可以通过财政援助和奖学金办公室获得. Students requiring financial assistance should contact the Office of 经济援助及奖学金 or 一站 directly. 除了, the 农业、食品系统和自然资源学院 has several 奖学金 available for outstanding students based primarily on academic performance. 联系副院长办公室, 农业、食品系统和自然资源学院 for information and application forms.


Students are highly encouraged to become active members in at least one student organization, several of which are sponsored by the academic departments in the 农业、食品系统和自然资源学院.


Employment opportunities for students in general agriculture remain strong and are similar to those of other production agriculture majors. 一般, 对农学院毕业生的需求, 食物系统, 和自然资源专业的毕业生人数远远超过了现有的毕业生人数. Students can greatly enhance their employability by obtaining at least one summer internship during their formal education.

Employers indicate that the most important characteristics desired in graduates include excellent oral and written communication skills, 能够在各种情况下与人会面和合作, 倡议, 职业道德. 美国农业部每五年发布一份乐虎电子农业职业前景的报告, 食物, 和自然资源. These reports consistently say that the career opportunities for graduates in these fields are excellent.


A minor in general agriculture may be obtained by satisfactorily completing 24 credits with at least six credits in each of any four disciplines offered by the 农业、食品系统和自然资源学院.