  • 施工经理
  • 结构工程师
  • 土木工程师
  • 运输工程师
  • 起草者
  • 城市及区域规划师
  • 顾问
  • 环境工程师




Coursework that teaches you how to design 运输 projects. Flexible curriculum with the ability to specialize in areas such as geotechnical, 结构, 运输, water resources and 环境工程.


  • 结构工程师
  • 岩土工程师
  • 环境工程师
  • 设计工程师
  • 水利工程师

Projects may include designing structures such as buildings, 桥梁, and s港口 stadiums; 运输 infrastructure such as highways, 铁路, 管道, 水路, 港口, and air港口; water infrastructure like pipes, 大坝, and drainage; safe drinking water supply and waste systems; and averting damage from earthquakes, 山崩及洪水. The profession embraces new technologies such as nanotechnology, 智能材料, 传感器, 机器人, 等. that are introduced into civil engineering projects to improve reliability, 成本效益, 和生活质量.

新大土木工程专业的毕业生将他们的技能乐虎集团于国内外的所有专业领域. With a strong and balanced technical and general education curriculum, they are highly sought by companies from all over the country at competitive salaries. 土木工程学士学位课程由ABET工程认证委员会认证, http://www.abet.org, 根据委员会的一般标准和土木及类似工程项目的项目标准. 除了, a new 4+1 accelerated Master's degree in civil engineering started in Fall 2021, 为优秀的本科生提供在5年内完成该系学士学位和土木工程硕士学位的途径.


The following program educational objectives are consistent with the university, 学院及院系的任务. 我们土木工程学士课程的毕业生预计在毕业后的几年内:

  1. Engage successfully in the practice of engineering to solve current and emerging problems.
  2. Conduct design in a manner that is ethical, 包括不同的观点, 并意识到设计和决策过程中更广泛的社会和可持续性影响.
  3. Ascend to leadership roles within the workplace via initiative and responsible stewardship
  4. Advance their profession and communities through collaborative work, 专业的许可, 高级学位, 终身学习, 参与服务.


When graduated, students in the 土木工程 program will have:

  1. 识别能力, 制定, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, 科学, 和数学
  2. 能够运用工程设计来产生满足特定需求的解决方案,同时考虑到公共卫生, 安全, 和福利, 以及全球, 文化, 社会, 环境, 经济因素
  3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. 能够在工程环境中认识到道德和专业责任,并做出明智的判断, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, 经济, 环境, 以及社会背景
  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, 建立目标, 计划任务, 达到目标
  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, 分析和解释数据, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  7. 在需要时运用适当的学习策略获取和乐虎集团新知识的能力.


新大土木工程专业的一年级学生从英语基础课程开始学习, 化学, 数学, and an introduction to the engineering 科学s. Second-year courses become more specific with an emphasis on surveying, 数学, 物理, 以及工程科学课程. The third-year students preview the specialization areas of civil engineering. These are (1) 环境工程, (2)岩土, (3)结构, (4)运输, (5)水资源. 大四继续要求某些课程,但也提供12小时的技术选修课和高级设计项目. 技术选修课允许学生选修土木工程领域的额外课程,她/他/他们打算在这些领域进行专业实践. 目前, 有51门核心土木工程和技术选修课程供学生选择.


加速课程为土木工程专业的在读学生提供了在5年内完成土木工程硕士学位(MSCE)的机会(比学士学位多一年)。. The accelerated Master's program requires at least a total of 30 semester credits. 土木工程学士课程最多9个学分(三门课程)可以重复计算到MSCE课程中. However, these courses must be taken at the 600- or 700-level. 从这个意义上说, the interested students could accelerate the Master's study by reducing three courses, 这样他们就可以在一年内修完剩余的21个学分并完成硕士论文并毕业, 而土木工程学士学位的技术选修课程的总学分和设计学分要求保持不变.


The department has well-qualified and dedicated faculty members. They are nationally and internationally recognized experts, with the knowledge and experience to prepare graduates for successful careers. All faculty members in the department have a doctoral degree. Many are licensed as a Professional Engineer (PE) or Certified Professional Contractor (CPC). 除了, 该系有许多曾在该行业工作或目前在该行业工作的兼职教员.


本系拥有完善的实验室设施,适合各类民用本科教育, 环境, 建筑区域, including the teaching laboratories for civil engineering materials, construction management and engineering, 环境工程, 岩土工程, 结构工程, 交通运输工程, 水利工程, . 学生还可以使用计算机集群和许多最先进的研究实验室.


Students participate in various professional student organizations in the department, which helps them develop leadership skills and the ability to work in teams. 主要学生组织包括:美国印第安人科学与工程学会(AISES), American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA), American Society of 土木工程师s (ASCE), American Water Works Association (AWWA), Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), 无国界工程师组织(EWB), 新大大挑战学者, 人类家园, Institute of 运输工程师s (ITE), 材料研究学会, National Association of 首页 Builders (NAHB), National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Sigma Lambda Chi (ΣΛΧ), 女工程师学会(SWE), and Water Environment Federation (WEF), 以及钢桥, 具体的独木舟, 联合建筑学院, 住宅建筑管理, GeoWall, 和智力竞赛碗比赛队伍. The student organizations have won several national and regional awards.


希望在大学阶段学习工程的高中生应该尝试完成以下高中学分:一个物理单元, 四个数学单位, 还有一个化学单元. 准备学习微积分的新生通常会在四年内完成他们的土木工程学位. 在另一个机构学习了两年工程预科的转学生通常会在另外两年完成土木工程学位.


该系每年颁发大量奖学金,金额从500美元到1万美元不等. Students should check with the department for more information. 其他形式的经济援助可以通过财政援助和奖学金办公室获得.


NDSU civil engineers are widely regarded as hands-on, 乐观进取的, 项目的毕业生, who are very successful in finding excellent jobs. Our students are highly sought for internships and co-ops, with most students having completed multiple work experiences. Most have selected a job before graduation and others within a few weeks of graduation. The work varies with the type of activity and location. Civil engineers can work in the office and/or in the field. They can work primarily on intricate designs or with people in management or sales.

新大土木工程专业毕业生的就业情况表明,他们的工作经验丰富. 大约40%的毕业生去了咨询工程公司工作,另外40%在城市工作, 州政府, and federal governments The remainder are employed by industry, 承包商, and the military or have gone to 研究生院 at NDSU or other universities. Most graduates are involved in more than one type of civil engineering activity. Job placement of graduates seeking employment is 98-100 percent in recent semesters. 最近土木工程专业毕业生的起薪在6.5万至8.5万美元之间. 美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,从2022年到2032年,土木工程师的就业率将增长5%,高于所有职业的平均增长率(3%)。.

研究生 programs leading to Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees are available in specialized fields. 有关更完整的详细信息,请参见 毕业生公告 在线.

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